Serendipity Quest health


A strategy to educate you in becoming your own health advocate!

Meet Your advisor

Danielle Ellis

Hi, I'm Danielle Ellis!

Serendipity Quest Health - Founder
Self Aware Health Care - Creator

I help others achieve optimal health, gain energy and reduce stress, so they can feel balanced and vibrant. I utilize nutritional and environmental assessments to provide the very best options from nature and technology to promote everyday lasting wellness.

  • Wife and Mom of three homeschooled, now college graduate young adults, as well as my teenage niece
  • Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Institute for Integrative Nutrition (Graduated 1/2015)
  • Certified Culinary Nutrition Practitioner - Academy of Culinary Nutrition (Graduated with Honors 12/2018)
  • Herbalist studies through Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine
  • Healthy Pet Advisor - Breeder/Trainer/Handler of show Samoyeds since 2001, Acute Animal Homeopathy Studies through Vital Animal (Will Falconer, DVM)
  • Toxin Free Living Advisor & Systemic Detox Guide
  • Homestead Farming
  • Multi-passionate Entrepreneur

I didn’t start out this way, versed in many facets of living healthy, and sharing it with others. It took many years and lots of hard work. I still can’t claim perfection status and I never will. Becoming our best self is a daily practice.

Core Principles!

SAHC Wellness Evolution Core Principles

Pillars of Diagnostics

Know your body

Pillars of Detoxification
& Cell Renewal

Cleanse yourself

Internal Ripples of
Wellness Evolution

Feed your body

External Ripples of
Wellness Evolution

Cleanse your environment


"What is necessary to change a person
is to change awareness of themself."

~ Abraham Maslow ~

Get started


Take the next step toward
self awareness!

Request a FREE copy of my Self Aware Health Care program overview or schedule a one-on-one evaluation to begin your journey toward a better you.


- or -

Call: +1 (931) 871-6022